When is a Time to Change Your Hotel Furniture?
Good looking hotel furniture is one of the first things your customer will notice when entering your hotel.
The first impression is significant. And your furniture has a lot to do about it.
You certainly don't want your hotel review scores get lower. And for sure you don't want your guests to write a review that the furniture was dated, it smelled like his grandmother house, or it was worn out.
So, how can you tell it is time to change your hotel furniture?
There is no timeline, you just need to follow some simple rules like:
Your furniture or technology is dated, or there are visible damages on it.
Take a walk through the hotel like you are a real guest. Think like a guest. What is your first impression when you enter the lobby when you enter the hotel room? Is the furniture nice looking, modern, comfortable? Are you feeling nice or something like a big stain on the table is disturbing you?
Think about small practical things like a nightstand with charger for new phone models or laptops in the hotel room. Do you have something like that?
When your customer is sitting in the lobby does it has everything that he needs to be comfortable? Take your newspaper or laptop, order a tea and seat in the lobby. Try to be a customer for one hour. What have you noticed? Would you change something, and what?
Or if you need to renovate one part of the hotel, like the kitchen, or swimming pool, maybe you should consider refreshing at least the furniture in the other parts.
That way you will do everything at once with minimum disturbance for the guests.
And remember furniture and fixtures are the best and easiest way to keep your hotel updated and at the top of the review lists.